Why would you have the camera forcibly tied yo your velocity? It makesit unnecessarily hard to control, and not in a good way.
Why would you have the camera forcibly tied yo your velocity? It makesit unnecessarily hard to control, and not in a good way.
The background lights really do not help with visibility.
The fast speed and zoomed-in camera make it really hard to actually navigate or platform.
This has the most insufferably awful-feeling platformer physics I've ever experienced.
What the actual fuck is that keyboard control scheme?
I've made an update that puts the buttons on ZXCV now so maybe give it another shot if you'd like.
Some of the puzzles are clever and the final one stumped me for a while. But other than that, the game has some serious problem. The physics feel terrible. The combination of near-instant ground acceleration and very limited aerial mobility make precision platforming a pain. I think the biggest problem here, and why the game has such a low rating, is that the game looks sloppy. There's just not any visual appeal in general. The entire area is bland and empty. The contrast is too low, it's almost hard to see the light grey platforms against the white walls. There are issues like the closed and open door sprites not being aligned. Also you set the height of the viewport too small. The height needs to be for the entire frame including the unity bar at the bottom, not just the project itself.
Thank you for the very helpful feedback. We’ll definitely try to incorporate most of it!
Please if you're going to have something as frustrating as ricochet walls, the _least_ you can do is to make sure that they actually consistently ricochet at the correct angle instead of directly into you.
It's been over ten minutes on the second section of the ice level alone, and my patience has run out. Although I can now consistently get past the snowballs, the obligatory freeze baffles me as I am not able to jump after falling from the second to the third ice platform, and the ceiling is too low to jump directly from the second. I would try to figure it out, but the fafct that the only freeze section is overly hard and after a challenging jump section makes it taxing to figure out through trial error. You can't just introduce two new mechanics in a single segment, it prevents the player from actually learning how the mechanics work.
Thanks for the feedback, will consider tweaking.
What is that windmill attack? Every attack needs to give the player the ability to respond to it. You do a good job with most attacks in that regard, but the windmill attack is terrible. It goes from still to kill instantly, and it doesn't even tell you which way it rotates!
Dear god what is that wall detection? And grappling angles?
Play my games, they're okay
Age 25, Male
Job hunting
United States
Joined on 12/3/18