yes use it for your games
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yes use it for your games
I'd say it seems you still can make an animation after 6 years. The gore is a bit out of place though... Be sure to put it on YouTube before some dingus steals it.
Lolol Yeah it'll be on YouTube soon. I just wanted Newgrounds to have it first.
I cannot make myself rate this 5 stars because it causes me an indescribable mental agony to watch
By the way, don't forget to put this on YouTube, my powers of precognition tell me it'll be a hit
Badly scuffed bounce physics. Which way the ball will bounce is effectively unpredictable, and the faster it gets, the worse it gets. This game pretty rapidly devolves into a game of chance where you hope that the ball doesn't shoot right by you and spazz out and destroy half the floor. A brick-breaker game absolutely needs predictable physics, especially one this fast.
it's mostly good, but the phase intros aren't skippable, the third phase has too much HP, there ought to be health bars in general (or at least some indication of how much progress you're making), and, most critically, why on god's green earth would you make the controls X and spacebar???
So, first, I've gotta echo PersistentDreamer's points. Not being able to save is a shame. Tje items are such a colossal pain in every way that I think you'd best tear out that system and redesign it from nothing. I got the bug where the entire battle results screen is black apart from the floating orb, twice, and a similar thing also happened to me once when I paused. In the scene after choosing to choosing to tuck Joh in, the game went black.
Apart from that, I also think the game has problems with visibility and fatigue. The spritework is great, but I'll barely see it when my eyes are mandatorily glued to the top of the screen. The bars expanding like they're coming around a carousel is kinda neat but ultimately I think it would better to just have them stay one size. And not only is it half the screen away from the beautiful spritework, they're also as far away as physically possible from the health bars. Heave you considered making each bar (as well as the target zone) extend the entire vertical height of the screen? Then you could look anywhere up and down the screen - combo and SP at the top, sprites in the middle, HP at the bottom - without having to look away from what you need to be looking at.
Then the fatigue. Just give us a break of a few measures at a few points throughout the song to let us regain our composure and shake our fingers a bit, please? You could take that time to let one of the combatants say a one-liner or pull of a dance move if you don't want that time to be completely empty.
Great suggestions, reworking the health is definitely a must. Been brain storming a better item ui design as well. These are great suggestions, I'll probably opt to add breathing room in battles with dialogue, that's a good idea.
I don't pretend to know all about synthetic composing, but it sounds like the plugins are worth it and you make good use of them. This is the sort of thing I would love to use in my project, but unfortunately it's still partially recognizable as Pokémon themes. Do you think you'll do original compositions in this style?
My favorite is DISILLUSION MARKET. it has a cool beat and melody and "small children: destroy on sight" is such a lyric
Wouldn't mind if Shoes put that up separate. It's a neat lil track indeed!
Very important question: what is that voice saying at 1:41?
Whew Hyeanedon added that, and this was years ago, but I think it says "don't stop it" ? Maybe, it's probably just gibberish :P
holy shit you're back
Is she disintegrating or integrating?
cute minecraft bee might jack off to it later
Play my games, they're okay
Age 25, Male
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United States
Joined on 12/3/18